Missional Links
We have an active partnership with the Baptist Union of Lithuania and regularly take teams over to Lithuania to engage in supporting and encouraging churches as well as assisting them in mission. In 2018 we have undertaken two visits:
In partnership with Future Leadership Foundation (USA) in led a retreat for Lithuania Pastors and wives, where fifty folk attended.
A team of teens and youth leaders to help the Evangelical Baptist Church of Kaunas with its annual children's camp.
There are opportunities each year for church leaders, ministers in training, youth groups and their leaders to visit this interesting country and to get a taste of cross-cultural mission and ministry. We also hope through this partnership to engage in mission with Lithuanians studying and working in the North East of England.
The NBA also has a partnership with Tryon Evergreen Baptist Association (TEBA) based in Conroe, Texas. Where mission teams from TEBA come and serve our NBA churches; mission teams from the NBA serve TEBA churches; and together we would serve in another country, maybe in eastern Europe. Most recently in May 2018 a team of university students came to Stockton Baptist Church and assisted in several acts of kindness in the local community as well as supporting the church's mission work with refugees and in local schools.​