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Image by Jake Colling


Safeguarding involves a range of activities aimed at promoting the individual’s right to be safe.  These include making and maintaining safe environments for everyone (children and adults), having procedures to follow should something go wrong and support for everyone involved.


If you have a Safeguarding concern or issue within your church then please contact our safeguarding lead:

Dan Holland on 07443864863, or email


The latest Safeguarding information from Baptists Together can be found on their website here.  This website will answer most of the administration questions & queries.


You can book onto training by going to our bookings page here


Please note that all ministers and church pastors need an up to date enhanced DBS every 5 years, if they are an accredited Baptist Minister this is done by us in the NBA.  For non-accredited ministers checks are done by the calling church, click here for more information.  Safeguarding training must be taken every 4 years. 

Holding Hands

Every NBA church should have a safeguarding policy statement and up to date procedures for working with children, young people, and adults at risk. 


Our NBA Safeguarding Policy can be viewed here.


NBA works closely with the BUGB Safeguarding Team to provide information and training to support and resource our NBA churches in maintaining a safe environment for all.

A comprehensive collection of safeguarding resources to help you and your church are available on the Baptists Together website.

Document with Pen
Working on Laptop

The Northern Baptist Association is a Company Limited by Guarantee and not having a share capital.

Number 04340889 and a Registered Charity Number 1092595


NBA Registered Office: 366 Westgate Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 6NX

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